Estonian Health Insurance Fund contributes in the EU social and healthcare politics

International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM) adopted a position about the EU Pillar of Social Rights on at their General Assembly meeting in Paris on 24th of November 2016. The Pillar of Social Rights contributes to sustainable access to good quality healthcare for all EU citizens. The Estonian Health Insurance Fund, as a member of AIM network, has endorsed the EU politics by contributing in the Pillar.

In their position the members of AIM network find that in order to guarantee access to qualitative healthcare services, a strong compulsory health insurance is indispensable. AIM asks for a clear definition of Social Economy at European level. Furthermore, AIM requests protection of the European social economy and social ‘services of general interest’ against possible negative effects of free trade agreements.

In Paris, the President of AIM, Mr Christian Zahn said that social rights undoubtedly contribute to the economic growth of the European Union. "However, we must never forget our core values and remember that human rights are not a condition to growth, but rather an objective themselves," he added. "They are Europe’s most important targets."

AIM position on the the Pillar of Social Rights can be found here.