Employee with an employment contract

Employees working under an employment contract with a term of more than one month or without a term are entitled to health insurance. 

The health insurance of an insured person commences upon receipt of the person’s data by Health Insurance Fund. Health insurance of an non-insured person commences after the 14-day waiting period from starting employment has passed.

Health insurance is suspended two months after the day of suspension of employment entered into the employment register (e.g. the employee enters military service, goes on parental leave, etc.).

Following the end of the suspension, insurance is continued on the next day from the final day of suspension of employment entered into the employment register.

Insurance is not suspended if the parties agree on unpaid leave and social tax at least in the amount of the minimum valid monthly rate is paid for the person. In 2024, the monthly rate is 725 euros and therefore the minimum amount of social tax is 239.25 euros per month. In 2025, the monthly rate is 820 euros and therefore the minimum amount of social tax is 270,60 euros per month.


Health insurance is terminated two months after the day of termination of employment entered into the employment register.

Termination of employment must be registered in the employment register within 10 days of the day of termination of employment. Additional information is available on the website of the  Tax and Customs Board.

You can check the validity of your health insurance in the service ‘My current account with the Health Insurance Fund’ of the state portal eesti.ee, by phoning the Health Insurance Fund’s customer service (+372) 669 6630.

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