Students and higher education students

The following persons in Estonian educational institutions are entitled to health insurance:

  • students acquiring basic education
  • students acquiring general secondary education
  • students acquiring in formal vocational education
  • higher education students who are permanent residents of Estonia. Universities offer studies for applied higher education as well as bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral studies.

Data from schools is submitted to the Health Insurance Fund by the Ministry of Education and Research. If you have any questions, please contact your school.

Health insurance is suspended for the period of academic leave, except for if the academic leave is provided by the school due to health reasons. Going on academic leave is regulated by the academic regulations of the higher education institution.

For more information on the health insurance of beneficiaries of doctoral allowance, see here.

Insurance will commence upon making the entry into the health insurance database.

Insurance is suspended on the next day following the receipt of data. 

Suspension is terminated on the day that the academic leave is terminated. Insurance will continue from the next day.

  • 3 months after graduation
  • one month after the nominal period of the curriculum has passed or after exmatriculation

You can check the validity of your health insurance in the service ‘My current account with the Health Insurance Fund’ of the state portal, by phoning the Health Insurance Fund’s customer service (+372) 669 6630.

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